I just got word that the Sierra Club will be hosting Angeles National Forest Supervisor Jody Noiron at the Eaton Canyon Nature Center. She’ll be giving a free 90-minute presentation on Station Fire recovery efforts. Supervisor Noiron will describe the fire’s effects on the Forest and offer ways for volunteers to help in the recovery effort.
The presentation begins at 7:30PM tonight, but is preceded by a social reception at 7. While the event is being organized by the Sierra Club, non-members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
If you can’t make the meeting, be sure to check out the Sierra Club’s Angeles Forest Restoration Project page. It’s got an email list for volunteers, some news and updates about the fires’ aftermath, and (FINALLY) a zoomable map of the Station Fire Burn Area, so you can see exactly what trails are off limits.
Tags: Angeles National Forest, jody noiron, recovery, Sierra Club, station fire, volunteering