SPOT has been extending their satellite messaging service over the past few years, creating services for both a dedicated DeLorme GPS receiver and several cell phone handsets as well. Unfortunately, it seems like they’ve been having a bit of trouble with the DeLorme unit, as they just announced a recall for that product.

If you purchased a SPOT satellite communicator with a DeLorme Earthmate PN-60w, the communicator may have problems sending messages out when the temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit – which is kind of a big deal. Fortunately, the company is offering to replace the defective units free of charge and give you an extra 6 months of service as well.

If you have one of the affected satellite communicators, follow the instructions at the SPOT web site to get your replacement unit. Remember this is ONLY for the companion units for the DeLorme Earthmate PN-60w – if you have another communicator model or one of the orange SPOT locator beacons, you’re fine.

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