Happy May, everyone!
As the temperatures heat up and Angelenos start dusting off their air conditioners, I figured we could all use a little bit of shade to help keep us cool right about now. So, this week’s Photo Friday images are some great photos of trees!
First up is Julie Boyd‘s shot of a sun-baked Joshua Tree, which, although I’m sure doesn’t make anyone feel cooler right about now, is a great image nonetheless. I wouldn’t advise going into the desert to see one of these until the mercury drops a bit, though!

Next in temperature is Mikey Le‘s shot of the Limber Pines near the summit ridge of Mount Baden-Powell. Not a lot of shade up there either, but at least you’re higher up so the air is cooler!

San Diego Contributing Writer Scott Turner brings us this cool, mist-soaked Ponderosa Pine from Palomar Mountain State Park.

And finally, I was in Big Sur this week but reader Peter Wirsching was even further north at Salt Point State Park, where he snagged this very cool and shady looking photo of coastal redwoods.

Thanks again to everyone who submitted to the Modern Hiker Flickr Group. We’d love to share your images, too – so add your best shots to the group and make sure I’m able to share them by embedding – and you could see your shots on the site soon!
Tags: coastal redwood, joshua tree, limber pine, photo friday, ponderosa pine, trees