Is the weekend just close enough that you can taste it? Need a little pick-me-up to get you through the last few hours at the office and into the joyful freedom of Saturday?
Worry not, for Photo Friday is here.
More killer contributions this week – you’re all really stepping it up lately and making it tough for me to choose my favorites!
First up are frequent Flickr contributors Nathan and Katherine, who submitted this beautiful scene from Dry Lake – right in the shadow of San Gorgonio. I’ve slept near this meadow a few times and it’s always been an incredible experience – thanks for bringing me back!

And now we head over to Instagram, where the hashtag #modernhiker has been picking up steam over the past few weeks. New user ajoyfulprocession has a truly wonderful collection of iPhone shots, but it was this one that made me want to strap some weight to my back and head into the mountains.
The team at Earthblazers seem like they’ve been beating the heat this week by kayaking the L.A. River (don’t forget about that upcoming boat race!) and floating around Malibu Creek. Definitely not a bad way to pass the time.
And finally, Josh.Lizarde trekked out to the Bridge to Nowhere and managed to get this really interesting angle of the Bridge that I don’t think I’ve seen in all the many times I’ve been out there!
Thank you to everyone who submitted this week and congratulations to the winners!
But wait! There’s more!
For the entire month of August, Photo Friday winners will receive a code for a discount on their next order from our good friends at Sierra Trading Post! So remember, get your photos in the pool by submitting them to the Modern Hiker Group on Flickr or by tagging them with #modernhiker on Instagram or Twitter. Keep those pictures coming and have a great weekend, everyone!
Tags: photo friday