Apparently, casual hikers and armchair outdoorsmen aren’t the only folks who check out Modern Hiker for some good trails near Los Angeles — we get our share of pro-athletes, too!

Last week, pro Triathlete Jessi Stensland found my site while looking for a new outdoor endurance sport to fool around with, and something about my Mount Lawlor write-up caught her eye. I preemptively apologized to her knees, but she just posted her experience on the trail (with MLS soccer player Lance Parker in tow) and it looks like she had a great time:

Jessi Stensland climbing Mount Lawlor

She’s got a great story of off-trail scrambling, some really nice photos of the area, and a cautionary note about making sure you know where you’re headed when you’re hiking … and she gives me a bit of link love, too — which is much appreciated.

Check out some of Jessi’s other entries for some good tips on general endurance fitness and motivation. She’ll make you tired just thinking about some of the stuff she does.

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