Apparently the Backbone Trail isn’t the only perennially unfinished long-distance trail in Los Angeles.

Zach at LAist dug up some info on an almost 22-mile long hiking and equestrian path called the Core Trail from the Hollywood Bowl to Topanga Canyon Blvd., following a 100-foot wide city-owned right-of-way on Mullholland Drive. The plan was originally pitched in 1992, and has languished in bureaucratic red tape and filing system hell ever since, even despite repeated attempts to alert City Council members to try to get trail construction moving.

According to an anonymous government source, LAist supposes the reason for the 17 year delay is that most of the wealthy, private landowners on Mullholland are using the city’s land … and while the city could legally take it back, it’d make a lot of rich people very unhappy.

Huh. Rich people holding up a public works project that would benefit those of lesser income? Never heard of that before in LA.

For the actual text of the resolution, click here — to see sectional maps of where the trail would be developed, head over here (PDF alerts!)

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